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Modern Poland Foundation

Open Call for CopyCamp 2014

April 30, 2014, 5:01 p.m.
Marta Skotnicka

We are pleased to have launched an Open Call for speakers at the International CopyCamp Conference 2014. This year we will focus on the social impacts of copyright. CopyCamp will take place on November 6-7 in Warsaw.

If you are interested in the subject of copyright and would like to express their opinion, submit a presentation proposal by the 15th of June.

To take part in the conference as a speaker, please submit your presentation summary of max. 1800 characters via speaker registration form. In order to simply attend the conference, please sign up using participant registration form.

Submitting your proposal, please choose one of the following thematic tracks:

  • CopyArt
  • Creative Middle Class
  • How to Pay?
  • How to Be Paid?
  • Copyright and Education
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Copyright and Human Rights
  • Self-Publishing
  • Future of the Book
  • Copyright Enforcement
  • Future of Copyright
  • Copyright Debate

On the basis of the proposal summary, the appointed jury will select about 30 speakers of this year’s CopyCamp. Please note: your presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.

Please find more information at copycamp.pl!

The International CopyCamp Conference is the first Central-and-Eastern European annual event to undertake a multi-sided, balanced and unrestrained discussion on the social and economic impacts of copyright. The third edition of the conference will be again an occasion to conduct a international debate characterized by high standards of communication and openness to the input from all interested parties – representatives of cultural institutions and the media, creative sectors, academic, legal, political and business circles, administration and non-governmental organisations – and the general public from all over the world with special attention to the perspective of the Visegrad Group countries.

We are glad to announce having two estimated keynote speakers: Cory Doctorow, a London-based journalist and science fiction author, winner of the Prometheus and Campbell Awards, co-editor of the blog Boing Boing, author of the rewarded novel Little Brother and Birgitta Jónsdóttir, an Icelandic poet and member of the Icelandic parliament, Internet activist, freedom of information and freedom of speech defender.

CopyCamp is part of the Future of Copyright project financed by Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Strategic Partners of the conference: Association of Authors ZAiKS and Google.
Partner: Coalition for Open Education.

Thank you in advance for submitting your proposals!


May 27, 2014, 9:36 p.m.

Obecnie wydaje mi się iż reforma prawa autorskiego skupi się na wprowadzenia większych obostrzeń. Uważam tak dlatego iż kluczowi posłowie zajmujący się reformą prawa autorskiego nie dostali się do PE:(.

June 24, 2014, 11:26 a.m.

Pragnę przyłączyć vaiy udziału w konferencji.

Marta Skotnicka
June 24, 2014, 11:55 a.m.

Cieszymy się, prosimy o rejestrację tu: http://copycamp.pl/info/wez-udzial/

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