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Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska to organizacja pożytku publicznego działająca na rzecz wolności korzystania z dóbr kultury. Wesprzyj nasze działania, przeznaczając na nie 1% swojego podatku. Możesz to zrobić, wpisując w zeznaniu podatkowym numer KRS 0000070056.

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Modern Poland Foundation

Category: economy


Who is listening to data subject?

Sept. 7, 2017, 9:41 a.m.
Krzysztof Siewicz

„Did they like it? – many artists would love to know. User data analysis may help to find an answer, as well as to predict trends while planning new album releases, concert tours, marketing strategies. Who owns this data and who is allowed to use it? Where lies the balance between interests of authors, publishers, and users’ privacy? This year at CopyCamp we will spend some time to seek answers to these questions. We especially would like to invite you to the presentation of Gloria González Fuster.


Liquid rights at CopyCamp

Aug. 7, 2017, 2:37 p.m.
Krzysztof Siewicz

This year at CopyCamp Luca Guidobaldi will speak about exclusive rights in the light of the Bauman’s concept of liquid modernity. Luca works in a law firm in Rome where he assists and advises a very diverse group of clients: from italian start-ups to big international brands, from solo artists to showbiz people.


Mikołaj Iwański at CopyCamp 2016

Oct. 5, 2016, 10:07 a.m.
Krzysztof Siewicz

Authors’ social rights. We cannot wait to hear the keynote of this year’s session on remunerating authors at CopyCamp. On October 27th it will be given by dr. Mikołaj Iwański, economist, head of History and Theory of Art Institute at the Painting and New Media Department of the Academy of Arts in Szczecin. Dr. Iwański co-edited the Black Book of Polish Artists (2015).


Rufus Pollock at CopyCamp 2016

Sept. 27, 2016, 2:59 p.m.
Krzysztof Siewicz

Join us on October 27th at CopyCamp where Rufus Pollock will tell why ALL public data should be made open. Dr. Pollock is the founder of Open Knowledge and advises on open data to several governments. He is also an associate of the Centre for Information and Intellectual Property Law at Cambridge, Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow and Ashoka Fellow.


Open Call for CopyCamp 2014

April 30, 2014, 5:01 p.m.
Marta Skotnicka

We are pleased to have launched an Open Call for speakers at the International CopyCamp Conference 2014. This year we will focus on the social impacts of copyright. CopyCamp will take place on November 6-7 in Warsaw.

If you are interested in the subject of copyright and would like to express their opinion, submit a presentation proposal by the 15th of June.

To take part in the conference as a speaker, please submit your presentation summary of max. 1800 characters via speaker registration form. In order to simply attend the conference, please sign up using participant registration form.

Submitting your proposal, please choose one of the following thematic tracks:

  • CopyArt
  • Creative Middle Class
  • How to Pay?
  • How to Be Paid?
  • Copyright and Education
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Copyright and Human Rights
  • Self-Publishing
  • Future of the Book
  • Copyright Enforcement
  • Future of Copyright
  • Copyright Debate

On the basis of the proposal summary, the appointed jury will select about 30 speakers of this year’s CopyCamp. Please note: your presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.

Please find more information at copycamp.pl!


Eben Moglen lecture - CopyCamp 2013

Oct. 10, 2013, 1:45 p.m.
Maria Świetlik

Presentation of prof. Eben Moglen at the CopyCamp conference is available at copycamp.pl.


The Polish Ministry of Administration and Digitization is to consult the Bill on Openness of Public Resources

Dec. 10, 2012, 4:15 p.m.
Paweł Stankiewicz

During today’s press conference, the Ministry of Administration and Digitization has announced its works on the Bill on Openness of Public Resources.

The press materials read: „Opening of public resources means public institutions making the collections of books, science articles, databases, photographs, works of art, film and music recordings that they have gathered available to the public. The Internet creates unique opportunities to make this knowledge widely accessible so that public resources are available to anyone who is interested in using them the same way they now use Wikipedia”. We are pleased to see this way of comprehending the issue of openness. It is significantly different from the stance presented recently by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The contents of Wikipedia articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike free license. I think that it would be excellent for the development of culture in Poland if materials made available by public institutions as part of the law on public resources opening were published under a similar free license, especially that the Ministry of Administration and Digitization has promised 10 billion PLN to fund the opening of the resources. The Modern Poland Foundation is pleased that Wolne Lektury has been listed among the examples of open resources. A month-long public consultation is to commence next week.

translation: Monika Szewczyk


CopyCamp Conference

Oct. 26, 2012, 3:06 p.m.
Marta Skotnicka/Paweł Stankiewicz

On September 26, a CopyCamp conference will be held by the Modern Poland Foundation. It will take place in a Warsaw cinema of a great tradition: Kultura. The meeting will be fully devoted to the issues relating to the copyright law. For the first time, the representatives of (sometimes extremely) diverse views on the availability of cultural goods and active participation in culture will meet in such a wide circle. The aim of the event is to enable them to enter into a dialogue.

Our special guest will be Nina Paley, a famous American cartoonist and activist belonging to the free culture movement. Among guests who have confirmed their participation are: Paweł Zalewski, Hirek Wrona, Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg, Artur Kurasiński, Krzysztof Lewandowski, Radek Czajka – please see more details on the conference website.