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Modern Poland Foundation

Copyright Consultations - Modern Poland Foundation's position

Feb. 28, 2014, 4:26 p.m.
Paweł Stankiewicz

In early December 2103 the European Commission announced consultations regarding copyright in the European Union. After the last year’s failure of the Licenses of Europe process, we hope that this time the Commission will much more strongly account for citizens’ opinions on the subject of creating new legal frames for our future use of culture in the Internet.

To encourage citizens to particpate in the European Commission consultations on copyright, we prepared a useful platform in Polish, which made it easy to answer the 80 questions posed by the Commission.

We are positively surprised with the great public response to the consultations. We have noted over 800 forms downloaded from the platform. The Commission promised to present the full data as soon as possible. We already know that over 11 000 responses were submitted.

The Modern Poland Foundation also prepared an official position paper in reply to the consultations in which we underline that copyright should take into account the perspective of citizens’ freedoms.

The full text of the position paper in English


Feb. 28, 2014, 10:58 p.m.

Według mnie punktem wyjścia do reformy prawa autorskiego powinno być prawodawstwo polskie ,które jest jednym z najbardziej liberalnych w europie jak nie najłagodniejszym.Polskie prawo autorskie aby było dostosowane do ery cyfrowej nie wymaga gruntownej reformy , a jedynie drobnych usprawnień.

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