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Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska to organizacja pożytku publicznego działająca na rzecz wolności korzystania z dóbr kultury. Wesprzyj nasze działania, przeznaczając na nie 1% swojego podatku. Możesz to zrobić, wpisując w zeznaniu podatkowym numer KRS 0000070056.

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Modern Poland Foundation

Published at June 11, 2013

Copyright Reform for Growth and Jobs: Modernising the European Copyright Framework

The policy brief of The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal in which Ian Hargreaves, professor of digital economy at the University of Cardiff and Bernt Hugenholtz, professor of intellectual property law and director of the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam look at the need for modernising Europe’s copyright regime, and propose eight ideas for reform – seven evolutionary, one revolutionary. The paper was launched in Brussels at the High-Level Roundtable on Making the Copyright Regime Fit for the Digital Age.